
Hay que verla. Meryl Streep at her best, y Philip Seymour Hoffman la rompe.
It's 1964, St. Nicholas in the Bronx. A charismatic priest, Father Flynn, is trying to upend the schools' strict customs, which have long been fiercely guarded by Sister Aloysius Beauvier, the iron-gloved Principal who believes in the power of fear and discipline. The winds of political change are sweeping through the community, and indeed, the school has just accepted its first black student, Donald Miller. But when Sister James, a hopeful innocent, shares with Sister Aloysius her guilt-inducing suspicion that Father Flynn is paying too much personal attention to Donald, Sister Aloysius sets off on a personal crusade to unearth the truth and to expunge Flynn from the school. Now, without a shard of proof besides her moral certainty, Sister Aloysius locks into a battle of wills with Father Flynn which threatens to tear apart the community with irrevocable consequence.

4 blah blah blahes:

  1. la tengo en casa esa pelicula, se la compro mi mama para verla, tal vez la vea con ella.

    Amé la entrada de kat von d. la foto que se esta mirando la pansa, es porque esta embarazada? o que? ya le perdi la pista a mi querida kat U.u


  2. nos esi estar embarazada, bueno si es lo que lla queire bienvenido sea xD aunque ella yo escuche qe no queria tener niñitos xD

  3. siii!! estoy esperando que una amigo mio vuelva de sus vacaciones para ir a verla con el..es la persona indicada para ver peliculas serias..
    con mi novio solo veo comedias..jajaja



Believe it or not, George isn't home. Please leave a message, after the beep... Believe it or not, I'm not home!

